the single greatest travel adventures series of all time

Be A Part Of The Story

In the words of my grandmother Marlene, welcome to the single greatest travel adventures series of all time – her words not mine. We will roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty to bring you the most unique trades from all over the country. We will then use those same hands to shove in food from the best hidden gems at each stop.  To stave off the clogged arteries, while validating Marlene’s words, we will adventure with incredible guides, who find adventure for a living.

Can I carry a show with my charm,  charisma, and obvious humility? Yes!

Teagan Wright

From Away

Episode 1


Today we head up to Western Maine to the best bar in all the land, to drink, eat, and, of course, send it on the river.  Plus we will play a little wheel of funishment before Teagan plays beekeeper to get that sweet, sweet bee juice.

Episode 2


This episode we gear up and head out to one of the most beautiful views in the whole country, Acadia National Park. I hope that this rope can both hold me and the existential dread that I have a falling off this cliff. Then we get our hands dirty with the Maine State fruit. Or maybe it’s the state berry?  I’m not really sure.  I could probably Google it, but where’s the fun in that?

Episode 3

Northern Outdoors

And…we…are…back! I mean, what did you expect; just look at it here! How am I supposed to say away. It’s not my fault The Forks is basically the mythological creature the siren, calling me with its irresistible singing, but instead of laying on a rock, I have the pleasure of hanging at Northern Outdoors, which basically acts as Maine’s silk road to adventure.

Episode 4

Maine Food & Wine

Today, we explore a little piece of paradise in Maine’s backyard with the remnants of European vineyards, right here in the hills of the Midcoast. Now, growing grapes in Maine is no easy task with the harsh climate and rough terrain.  This environement creates difficult hurdles in a very delicate profession. But this isn’t the south of France. I can’t just lay out in my hammock eating grapes all day, it’s time for me to get to work! So in this episode, we work hard, get our science on, pair Maine wine with Maine food, and just have the best time!

Episode 5


In this episode, we travel up to potato country, another of Maine‘s classic crops, as we see how they go from the ground to the bag.  What’s special about these Maine potatoes is that we’re not boiling, mashing, or sticking them in a stew, but instead making delicious, classy, booze…and then of course drinking it.  Then we head to Black Point Surf Shop to meet the McDermott brothers who make and shape boards.  Then we hit the road to the beach and shred the gnar!

Episode 6


On this episode, we take a trip up north to the old mill towne of, you guessed it, Mill-o-nocket to NEOC, a company that has been around since 1982 and whose motto is to foster understanding and respect for the responsible shared use of Maine’s woodlands. They specialize in leading trips year-round to explore Maine’s wilderness. From there, it’s just a short trip up the notorious Golden Road to the Penobscot River. The Penobscot vastness is only matched by it’s beauty – 109 miles of perfectly mixed, pure adrenaline…and also serenity, set in the backdrop of Maine’s  backwoods.

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